Etudes Helleniques – Hellenic Studies: Education in Greece and in the Diaspora
€13,94 €12,55
L’ éducation en Grèce et dans la Diaspora
Education in Greece and in the Diaspora
The limits of autonomy of cultural codes in modern European societies: ethnicity, education and culture
Structure, function and functionality of the Greek educational system
School evaluation and assessment of teachers in Greek primary and secondary education
Admission policies for Greek universities, a historico-sociological view of the period 1837-2010
Fuites et dispersions des étudiants dans les universités helléniques
The education of students with migratory background in Greece, educational politics and pedagogical discourse (Logos)
Intercultural education: a vehicle for the ethnicization of educational policy in Greece?
Transitions, flow and outflow of students in the Greek education in the Diaspora
Greek in contact with English in Australia
L’ éducation a Chypre, de la colonisation a l’ indépendance: un bref aperçu
A Greek poet in England: assorted references on Andreas Kalvos in the English press (1818-1821)
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